5 August 2020 · Motoring Tips & Advice

6 Symptoms Of An Engine Misfire In A Toyota Car | Phil Gilbert Toyota

An engine misfire usually occurs when the components needed to start your car (fuel, oxygen and spark) are not working in the right order. When your engine misfires, you’ll experience an inferior fuel efficiency and more emissions, so it’s best to get your vehicle inspected at a Toyota service centre as soon as possible.


A Toyota technician will determine the root of the problem - usually it’s down to worn spark plugs, a weak fuel injector or a vacuum leak, but there are other potential causes too. The source of the damage will determine how simple or complex a repair will be. To make sure you catch an engine misfire early on, be aware of the following signs.

  1. It’s harder to start the car
    If the car is more difficult to start - i.e. acceleration is rough or poor - this could be a sign of a misfire. Look out for jerking sensations that could suggest the engine is struggling to get going. Your car could also get put into “limp mode” which drastically limits the engine’s capabilities.
  2. Loss of power
    A vibration within the vehicle could mean you’re experiencing a loss of power - something caused by internal parts rotating unevenly and becoming worn. If you notice vibration that varies with the engine’s RPM, this could cause major damage and you should visit a technician 
  3. Fuel consumption increases
    A misfiring engine is a massive fuel sponge, resulting in poorer fuel economy of your Toyota. That’s because your spark plugs are responsible for sparking combustion in the engine. When these misfire, your vehicle will consume much more fuel - and you’ll find yourself spending more money to keep it running.
  4. You notice more emissions or visible exhaust
    If you’re noticing excessive exhaust (especially fumes that are black, blue-tinged or very white), this indicates that something isn’t right - and often points to an engine misfire. Noticeable emissions are the result of fuel that’s unable to burn or mix properly, or leaks that lead to coolant or oil becoming mixed into the combustion reaction. Either way, this is a very visible sign that your engine needs attention.
  5. You can hear strange noises coming from the engine
    You might be able to actually hear the cylinders in your engine misfire. Listen out for a popping or sneezing sound, or the noise of a backfire. That backfire noise occurs when unburnt fuel is forced out during the engine stroke, and then ignites. If you hear any strange or loud sounds, get your Toyota checked by a technician as soon as possible.
  6. The engine jerks or vibrates
    Your Toyota is built to deliver a smooth ride, but a misfiring cylinder can throw the whole car off balance and cause a rough journey for you and your passengers. So, if you’re noticing any jerking or stumbling while the vehicle is running, it’s likely to be a misfire caused by a mechanical complication.

Call Phil Gilbert Toyota
If you’re concerned about a misfiring engine, contact Phil Gilbert Toyota in Sydney. We’ll be able to inspect your car and take it in for repair, and can recommend any engine components you might need to keep your Toyota running at its best.