As we often say, PGMG isn’t just a business... it’s a family, and one that is proud to be part of our community. We're acutely aware how challenging the last couple of years have been for everyone, and like all businesses, we’ve been working hard to ensure that we have been taking all the necessary steps to keep our team and community safe. We also recognise that there are many vulnerable people in our local community with particular needs and many experiencing economic uncertainty. We know that it’s our responsibility to help support these people.
National Tree Day
In 2022 were pleased to participate in National Tree Day once again via a couple of local organisations who held great events in honour of this day.
This year we supported both Strathfield Council and the Elm St Early Learning Centre in Burwood with merchandise, gloves, tree guards and gardening equipment.
Strathfield Council thanked us for our support, and shared that they had 232 volunteers come through their activity at Hudson Park and 5,000 plants in the ground!
The team at Elm Street Early Learning Centre said "we were very excited and thankful to unpack all the wonderful donations from Phil Gilbert Toyota in honour of this day. We have been discussing with the children the importance of trees and plants in our world and how we as humans gain so much from plant life, so of course we are required to honour and manage our behaviour to support nature".